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How Is Perfect Harmony taken?
Perfect Harmony is supplied in pots of 60 capsules. Take two capsule daily with water.

For how long do I have to take it?
PERFECT HARMONY has been formulated to have a beneficial effect on the symptoms of the menopause and ideally should be taken throughout this period.

How quickly can results be expected?
Everyone is different but most women experience noticeable improvement well within the first 3-month course.

Are there any adverse side effects?
As long as a person is not allergic to any of the ingredients there are no known side effects.

Are there any chemicals in the formula?
No. Each capsules contains just a blend of those natural herbal extracts which have been shown to address the problems associated with the menopause.

Is PERFECT HARMONY suitable for consumption by vegetarians?
Yes – there are no animal ingredients in the formula.

What are the symptoms of menopause?
The most common symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, irritability or mood swings, unusual weight gain, irregular periods, anxiety, feelings of depression, forgetfulness, bloating or gas, headaches, joint pain or stiffness, vaginal dryness, diminished sexual desire, and leaking of urine.

How concerned should I be about HRT risks?
We have a long history of recommending a natural approach to hormonal balance. We believe that synthetic hormones commonly used in hormone replacement therapy should be a last resort, not a first choice. However, this is a matter of personal choice.

Will Perfect Harmony work even if I've had a hysterectomy?
Yes, Perfect Harmony will benefit your general health and your hormonal balance, even if you've had a hysterectomy, and whether or not you also had your ovaries removed. (Over half the women who keep their ovaries nevertheless suffer loss of ovarian function.)

In fact Perfect Harmony is especially relevant to women in this category, given the heightened risks from long-term use of synthetic HRT (hormone replacement therapy). We generally recommend that women under 40 who have had a hysterectomy consider natural hormone replacement therapy to mimic the body's natural progression into menopause

If I take Perfect Harmony, do I need to take other supplements?
If you are taking other supplements on your practitioner's advice, we urge you to discuss the Perfect Harmony ingredients with your GP and let him or her adjust your other supplements accordingly.

I take prescription medication. Does Perfect Harmony interact with my prescription?
No. Perfect Harmony is an all-natural, preventative program with no known drug interactions. However, you should always disclose to your health care provider, who needs to be aware of any supplements you are taking.

I've had breast cancer. Does the Perfect Harmony affect my risk of a recurrence?
Perfect Harmony will not increase your risk of a recurrence. In fact, a studies recommended that all adults take nutritional supplements to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis.

I have PMS, and I'm in my 20's. Will Perfect Harmony help me?
PMS is a form of hormonal imbalance just like the symptoms of menopause (women who have suffered from PMS are more likely to have a difficult menopause.) Perfect Harmony should be effective in helping to ease your symptoms.

I'm in my early 30's. Could my symptoms really be early menopause?
Your symptoms may well be the result of the hormonal imbalances of menopause. Many women experience their first such hormonal changes in their 30's.

I am depressed. Is it possible my problems are hormonal?
You should discuss this with your GP. It's common now for GP's to prescribe antidepressants for PMS or menopause. Discuss your progress using Perfect Harmony with him or her.

In no case is Perfect Harmony a substitute for antidepressants for depression. It is possible that your depression is hormonally based, and some women have reported good results on the Program. Your results may vary.

We make no claims and do not guarantee the same results in everyone, if unsure always consult a health practitioner before taking any form of supplements.

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